Sunday, June 22, 2008


Room 1 really enjoyed the visit from Bob Bickerton. We were all amazed by all the instruments he could play and all the great sounds they made. Ralph, our class mascot enjoyed listening to the romantic music of the harp the best!

Our first activity to make sense of sound was to learn about our five senses. The children made a wonderful 3D eye, ear, hand, nose and a mouth. We shared these at assembly and shared our knowledge of the five senses.

Next, we became sound detectives. We completed many science experiments to find out more about sound. We used balloons, straws, rulers and even the bath! The experiments were lots of fun!

At the moment we are making musical instruments. We have made pan pipes and drums so far and we are going to make more instruments next week.

Stay tuned for more KABOOM! WHISTLE! POP! news from Room 1.

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