Over this term in Room 5 we have been learning about Antarctica and Global Warming. We have been watching the TVNZ “Ice” series to learn about Antarctica, the Penguins environment and global warming. The penguins we are learning about are Chinstrap,Gentoo,Adelie and Emperor. We wrote down the information we learnt about the penguins using a mind map. We also had a students dad come in and talk to us about Antarctica because he has been there. He told us that it was Scott Bases 50th anniversary. They played rugby on the ice against America and we won for the 50th time.
Now here are some of our wonderings and answers.
How cold is the water? Mikayla
I wonder how long the ice will last in Antarctica?RJ
A:When people stop polluting the air.RJ
Why do penguins live in antarctica.Latesha
A:Because they like the cold and they were born there.Luke
Why is Antarctica so cold? Latesha
A:Because it is at the bottom of the world and it is the south pole.Latesha
Why is Antarctica white and why does it have snow? Kimberly
A: Because Antarctica is far away from the equator. RJ
I wonder where the Penguins will live when the ice in Antarctica melts? Jesse
A: They will live in the coldest place of Antarctica that still has ice. Jesse
by Jesse and Latesha